Keeping Judah, Jewish!
שמירת יהודה יהודי
Remembering the pagan influences of the past to prevent a repeat in the future!
זוכר את ההשפעה הפגאנית של העבר כדי למנוע חזרה בעתיד!
Zo'kar Et Ha'Hashfa'ah Haf'ga'anit Shel Ha'Avor
Ka'di La'Manoah Chazarah Ba'Atid.
Rabino Aminadav Hinton. “Posekim Pesher”
הרב עמינדב הינטון. פוסקי פשר
We Jews do not need
Puff The Magic Yashke
CONTENTS: {This teaching is 12 pages in length.}
1. Idolaters= Gentiles in the World-To-Come. By Jacob Neusner.
2. The seductive religions of Canaan. By Warner Keller.
3. Explaining Isaiah 53. It has nothing to do with Yashke! By Rabbi Aminadav Hinton.
Recovering Judaism-The Universal Dimension of Judaism. Pages 129-136.
Copyright 2001.
IDOLATERS (Avodat Zorah, Elilut) = Gentiles and the World to Come.
What of gentiles, meaning Idolaters? As we realize full well, Gentiles with their idolatry simply will cease to exist; some will perish, just as Israelites will perish [Those who leave Hashem for Idolatry and Paganism like the Canaanites, such as Jews that follow Yashke], just as the generation of the flood, the generation of the dispersion, the men of Sodom, and certain Israelites will perish [Those that follow Idolatry]. But some- a great many- will give up Idolatry [belief in Yashke, Christianity, Messianic Christianity] and thereby become part of Israel. The gentiles [Christians, Messianic Christians] as such are not subject to redemption [Geulah B'Rachamim]; THEY HAVE NO CHOICE AT HA'HOFA'AH (EMERGENCE) OF THE WORLD TO COME BUT TO ACCEPT HASHEM OR BECOME EXTINCT(Nach'chad).But that is not the precise formulation that the system as I see it will set forth. Rather, the correct language is not, the gentiles will cease to exist, but rather, the category “gentiles with their Idolatry,” will cease to function. Idolatry [Avodat Zorah] having come to an end,G-d having been recognized by all humankind, everyone will enter the category “Israel.”
Predictably, the sages seek analogies and patterns to work out in concrete terms the results of their compelling logic. In the present matter, the future of gentiles is worked out by analogy to holy things- the opposite, and the match in context, of gentiles. Some can be redeemed, some not, as this passage from Mekhilta attributed to R. Ishmael says..
As to Holy Things, these are those that are subject to redemption and there are those that are not subject to redemption;
As to things that may not be eaten, there are those that are subject to redemption and there are those that are not subject to redemption;
As to things that may not be used for any sort of benefit, there are those that are subject to redemption and there are those who are not subject to redemption;
As to fields and vineyards, there are those that are subject to redemption and there are those that are not subject to redemption;
As to bondmen and bondwomen, there are those that are subject to redemption and there are those that are not subject to redemption;
As to those subject to the death penalty by a court, there are those that are subject to redemption and there are those that are not subject to redemption........
Now, the paradigm having established the possibilities, we come to the critical point.
In the age to come (Ha'Gil Lavoa), there are those that are subject to redemption and there are those that are not subject to redemption [Yashke People, Christians, Idolaters, those that worship other gods].
The nations cannot be redeemed. That is by definition: their idolatry in the end does them in.
The nations of the world [Goyim, Shiksa, Shegets] are not subject to redemption: “No man can by any means redeem his brother nor give to G-d a ransom for him, for too costly is the redemption of their soul” (Ps. 49:7-9).
Precious are the Israelites, for the ransom of whose lives the Holy One, blessed be he, has given the nations of the world:
“I have given Egypt as your ransom” (Isa 43:4).
Why so?
“Since you are precious in my sight and honorable, and I have loved you, therefore I will give men for you and peoples [Goyim] for your life” (Isa. 43:3-4) (Mekhilta Attributed to R. Ishmael LXVII: 1.31).
Once more the past forms a presence in the immediate age, as much as the present participates in the past. Here the future of the gentiles realizes their present. They are Idolaters- that is why to begin with, they are classified asGENTILES-GOY- and therefore they will not be redeemed, meaning they will not stand in judgment or enjoy the eternal life in the world to come. What of gentilesin general, apart from those self-selected by their conduct toward Israel for eternalGehenna? In the age to come [Ha'Olam Ha'Bah] GENTILES WILL RENOUNCEIDOLATRY [Christianity, Messianic Christianity, all the religions of the world, the worship of false gods (Elilm Shavah), false messiahs (Mashiachi Sheker)] AND ACCEPT THE ONE G-D! There simply will be no more gentiles,everyone will serve G-d and come under the wings of G-d's presence (Shkinah), within Israel.
“Who is like you, O L-rd, among [false] gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, terrible in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”
When the Israelites saw that Pharaoh and his host had perished at Ha'Yam Suf (The Reed Sea), the dominion of the Egyptians was over, and judgments were executed on their Idolatry, they all opened their mouths and said, “Who is like you, O L-rd, among gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, terrible in glorious deeds, doing wonders? [Where are the Egyptians, Assyrians, Jebusites, The Roman Empire, The Crusaders? All of “the Jewish People's enemies” are all extinct, only the Jew of ancient antiquity is still alive! In the same manner that the Egyptians, Assyrians, Jebusites no longer exist, will be the same for the Goy, the Christian, the Messianic Christian, the religions of the world they will all vanish! Where are the Perizzites by the way?],
Now the nations (Ha'Madinut) participate in praising the one, true G-d of all nation:
And not the Israelites alone said the song, but also the nations(Ger-Jewish Converts) of the world said the song.
When the nations of the world saw that Pharoah and his host had perished at Ha'Yam Suf, the dominion of the Egyptians was over, and judgments were executed on their Idolatry and opened their mouths and confessed their faith in the L-rd and said, “Who is like you, O L-rd, among gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, terrible in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”
[Thus the Egyptians said with the Israelites these words, meaning the Egyptian Jewish Converts stated “Who is like you, O Hashem among gods, dismissing there own pagan gods! They notably denounced and proclaimed that the gods they use to worship, those 300 Egyptian gods are not gods at all but that there is one G-d, one L-rd, this one Hashem Elohim! And He is over the imaginable fictitious gods of the nations. Thus a day will arise when some Gentiles, Some Idolatrous Christians,Messianic Christians, those Pagans will pronounce what the Egyptians came to realize and proclaim: “Who is like you, O Hashem, among the gods?” Or amongst the gods we created, lifted up and served. Such a realization can only take place when THE GENTILE IDOLATERS (Goy Ha'Elilim) realize that what they are serving, what they are believing as in Yashke is fully hodgepodge nonsense (Ha'Shatoyot Balil)]!!!!
Once more the selected paradigm finds the future in the past, the pattern that governs in the quality of the relationship:
So too you find that in the age to come the nations of the world will renounce their Idolatry: “O L-rd, my strength and my stronghold and my refuge, in the day of affliction to you the nations shall come... shall a man make himself gods” (Jer 16:19-20); “In that day a man shall cast away his Idols of silver... to go into the clefts of the rocks” (Isa 2: 20-21). “And the Idols shall utterly perish” (Isa 20:18). (Mehilta Attributed to R. Ishmael XXXIII: I.1) Read the book for further information.......
The Bible As History-The seductive religions of Canaan.
By Werner Keller. Copyright 1956. Pages 270-275
Manasseh (Menasheh) was twelve years old when He began to reign, and He reigned fifty five years in Jerusalem... And He did that which was Evil in the sight of Hashem, after the abominations of the heathen, whom Hashem cast out before Ha'Bnei Yisroel. (2 Kings 21:1,2).
From the descendants of Noach and Shem in the year 3,760 BCE in Mesopotamia Halutz an Amorite (members of the Canaanites, Canaan descendants of Noach and Ha'am) meets and marries Tiferet a Hittite(descendants of Heth the second son of Canaan- kindred of the Hebrews, us Jewish People). They lived on the outskirts of UR, there firstborn son was named Hivri- from Hivri became a Tribe called: Hivrim, later known as the Hebrews. 1,750 years later (2,010 BCE) from the descendants of Hivri, Hivrim was born the covenant barer Avrohom. 70 generations from UR we Hebrews headed south to Yisroel/Canaan/Kena'an. Te'rah the father of Avrohomis from the same descent, who left Paganism went back to the G-d of his ancestry Hashem, and migrated to Yisroel with Avrohom, Sarai and Lot- Gen 11.31. The Hebrews unbeknown to modern commentaries painstakingly lie that the Hebrewsconquered Canaan as they do not align lineage accurately. In the parallel of Israeli conflict, the land of Yisroel has always belonged to the Jewish People!!! It was first given to Adam and Chavah as Ha'Gan Eden was inside of Yisroel. The Hebrews did not conquer that land, they reclaimed it as the Canaanites left
Hashem for the gods of the nations-Ellim Kenaim! In order for the land to be ascribed to another set of people, they would have to had been before Adam and Chavah- essentially the first Jews. Rabbi Aminadav Hinton
“Abominations (Chillul Hashem) of the Pagan Heathens (Avdi Elilim Paganim),” said the official report. Isaiah, the great prophet, who was contemporary with King Manasseh, put it more plainly when he complained bitterly, “How is the faithful city become a harlot (Zonah).” (Isa 1:21). All the other prophets through the centuries constantly utter the same harsh and unambiguous accusation. It rings out from the time when Israel after its long desert wanderings reached Ha'Yordan about 1230 BCE. (Num 25. 1,3). We hear it in the time of the Judges (1 Sam 2.22) It echoes through the two kingdoms, Judah (1 Kings 14: 23,24) as well as Israel (Hosea 4:13. 14). Even in the years of captivity by the waters of Bavel in the sixth century BCE. It is not silent! (Ezek 16:16).
Canaan took the name of Hashem “EL” and placed it on the name of Idols, they took the sacrifices and services as belonging to Hashem and did those same services to there Idols, False gods. At the head of the Baals of Canaan was the god E. Out of respect for EL- not whom Canaan gave the name too, but to the El of Tora I will write the term as E as not to show disrespect to Hashem. His wife was Asherah, a goddess who is also mentioned in Scripture- Judges 3.5-12,Judges 6.25-30; 1 Kings 18.19, 2 Kings 23.14, Asherah a goddess of the Phoenicians. E married three sisters, one of whom was Astarte as the Canaanites proclaimed, such disrespect and blatant blasphemy against Hashem!
The Canaanites believed Astarte who is frequently mentioned in the Tora as Ashtaroth (Jud 10.6) E killed not only his brother but also his own son; he cut off his daughter's head, castrated his father, castrated himself, and compelled his confederates to do the same. It is precisely due to our own Jewish People's failure to follow “The G-d of Yisroel.” That we are inflicted today by thePagans, by Christians, by Messianic Christians. The Canaanites in the worship of Phoenician gods, pagan temples, Men and women prostituted themselves as offerings for those gods. Since the discoveries of Ras Shamra. On the north coast of Syria exactly opposite the east tip of Cyprus lies Minet E. Beida, the “ White Haven.” The Mediterranean waves break here on limestone rocks in a display of color, changing from light green to deep violet. Inland, great banks of clouds surround the lonely mountain top of Jebel Aqra. The natives say that long ago it was the dwelling place of the gods of their ancestors.
Near the sea in 1928 a peasant who was plowing discovered a long underground passage. Initial investigation showed that it led to a tomb. It was a sepulchral vault in the style of Mycenae. When the discovery was announced, France, which as mandatory power was in control of Syria, reacted with its customary alacrity. M. Dussaud, curator of Oriental antiquities in the Louvre, dispatched Professor Claude F.A. Schaeffer with other experts to the “White Haven.” Excited discoveries awaited them. Half a mile from the shore and the old Mycenae grave rose to an artificial hill. Round its base flowed a pleasant rippling brook. It has always been called by the natives Ras Es Shamra, “Head of Fennel.” Fennel was actually growing on the old heap of ruins that concealed the remains of the Phoenician royal city of Ugarit. More than three thousand years ago it has been wiped out for good by the onslaught of the sea peoples.Schaeffer (A Jew) with his excavations on the “Head of Fennel.” At last the long sought information about the paganism of Canaan came to light. Between two temples, one of them dedicated to the god Baal (The supreme male divinity of the Phoenician and Canaanitish nations, as Ashtoreth was their supreme female divinity, Baal corresponded to the sun and Ashtoereth to the moon, there was BAAL BEREITH (The covenant Baal),BAAL ZEBUB ( The lord of the fly), BAAL PEOR (The lord of the opening),BAAL GAD (The lord of fortune), BAAL HAMON (The lord of a multitude), BAAL PERAZIM ( The lord of divisions), BAAL SHALISHA (The lord of Shalisha, Gilgal), BAAL TAMAR (The lord of the palm tree), BAAL ZEPHON (The lord of the north) and the other to the god Dagon (The Fish god, half man at the top and fish at the bottom. We first read of in 1 Sam 5. 3,4, correlative of Atargatis, was the national god of the Philistines. The most famous temples of Dagon were at Gaza, Judges 16.21-30, and Ashdod.. 1 Sam 5. 5,6; 1 Chron 10.10. The latter temple was destroyed by Jonathan in the Maccabean wars. Traces of the worship of Dagonlikewise appear in the names Caphar-dagon near Jamnia and Beth-dagon in Judah, Josh 15.41, and Asher Josh 19.27. Dagon was represented with the face and hands of a man and the tail of a fish. 1 Sam 5.5.), he found among the houses of rich merchants the house of the High Priest of Ugarit, who owned a library, as is clear from the large number of inscribed tablets found there. Schaeffer's trained eye recognizes at once that the writer must have been using a hitherto unknown Phoenician alphabet. It was deciphered in 1930 by three scholars: Professor H. Bauer, of the University of Halle, Germany, and C. Virolleaud and E. Dhorme, of France. The bilingual documents- one of the languages is an ancient Canaanite dialect, which is something like Pre-Mosaic Hebrew are exclusively concerned with the gods and religions of old Canaan, with which Israel on entering the Promised Land had its first fateful encounter. The myths and practices in this unique collection of documents reflect the most frightful barbarism and abound in magic rites of gods and demigods that are stupefying, primitive, gross, and sensual. Particular significance is attached to the rites of the goddess of fertility. The other nations of the Old World also worshiped goddesses of fertility, anchoring the cycles of growth and decay, birth and death to their ritual. But in Canaan they were openly shameless. Mother-goddesses were, for example branded as “holy whores.” Exactly as Philo of Byblos apagan himself and Eusebius the Christian Father had depicted.
Gruesome and ferocious are Astarte and Anath, goddesses of fertility and of war alike.The Baal epic of Ugarit depicts the goddess Anath: “With her might she moved down the dwellers in the cities, she struck down the people of the sea-coasts, she destroyed the med of the east.” She drove the men into her temple and closed the doors so that no one could escape. 'She hurled chairs at the youths, tables at the warriors, footstools at the mighty men.” Atleast that's what the Canaanites believed, they further believed that Anath was the sister and wife of Baal, the god of storm and rain. His symbol was a bull's head. Professor Schaeffer also found in Ugarit small images and amulets of Astarte. They are made of clay and gold, and the goddess is naked. Snakes and pigeons, renowned in the ancient East for their fertility, are her symbols. The goddesses of fertility were worshiped principally on hills and knolls. There their votaries erected for them Asherim and set out “sacred pillars,” trees under which rites were practiced, as the Tora repeatedly points out:
“For they also built them Idolatrous high places, and pillars, and Matzevot-Asherim(Canaanite female nature Idols) on every high hill and under every green tree.”(1 Kings 14: 23). What kind of “religious” activities these were can no longer be a matter of doubt since the Ugarit excavations. It is only since the results of scientific investigation into Canaanite gods and Phoenician religions have come to light that we can properly gauge the intensity of the moral struggle that the people of Yisroel had to face.
The Canaanites were Jewish People that served the gods of the Phoenicians. Today Christianity which is refereed to as “Judeo Christianity” operates in the same fashion as did the Canaanites. Taking and using Jewish rites and services and mixing them into the worship of the gods of the nations. Christianity, Messianic Christianity taking a Jewish mythical man and making him into a god, using the rites of Judaism mixed with the pagan rites from Rome, the Greeks and intertwining them together as did the Canaanites- is why Christianity, Messianic Christianity exists in the world today! Due to Jews leaving the G-d of Yisroel for Phoenician false gods.
Explaining Isaiah 53. By Rabbi Aminadav Hinton
The research below came about by a question posed to me by Rabbi Elkana Ben Avraham from a man willing to leave Messianic Christianity if the following scripture could be explained, proving that it isn't talking about Yashke from whom I assume to be a Indian Jew from India. We don't waste time creating anthems out of scripture to support our beliefs as they do (Christians/ Messianic Christians), when they find scriptures and create theanporism, theologies to prove that such and such points or is talking about Yashke. We have enough facts directly from the scriptures themselves that such gimmicks aren't necessary. If a person would read all the chapters, or most of the chapters before settling on a verse which is used to create such theologies, it would become quite apparent with the reading of the prior verses that such theories make absolutely no sense! They expect you to take that one verse, or couple of verses, in which they create lies from, in trying to make it fit Yashke.
For you to not read it for yourselves, and to just take there word for it, that it is proving Yashke. This kind of ignorance has caused and is causing a many Jew to stay in Idolatry because they don't have good study habits, because they don't study Tora for themselves! When you lack a real understanding to Tora it is possible for such theories to appear as if they make sense, as if it relates to Yashke or any other myth they want you to believe.....
Thus we write and will continue to write to dispel the nonsense and to hopefully draw the “Jew” to Hashem and Tora.
And away from infectious cantankerous cults!
“The Jew only needs Hashem and Judaism.”
Yeshuayahu 53.
By Rabino Aminadav Hinton
“The Puff The Magic Yashke People.” create Theologies out of verses without expressing the prior verses or chapters that precedes. They artistically try making them fit Yashke-out of context! The actual explanation is so clear that one would have to be a “Pull the rabbit out of the hat magician.” to accept the Yashke People's verbiage in creating “verses” to fit Yashke. Isaiah was written somewhere near 100 BCE and is completely about the Jewish People. Here's the plain facts!!!!
Isaiah Chapters 1-5 contain Isaiah's prophecies in the reign of Uzziah and Jotham, foretelling that the present prosperity of Judah would be destroyed, and that Yisroel would be brought into desolation due to their Idolatry!!! The last 27 chapters form a separate prophecy, and are stated by many critics to have been written in the time of the Babylonian captivity. The first section, chs. 40- 48, has for its main topic the comforting assurance of the deliverance from Babylon by Koresh (Cyrus) who is even named twice. ch. 41: 2,3,25; 44.28; 45.1-4,
Isaiah 50. 1-3. Hashem declared that He was temporarily divorcing Zion because she had rejected Him without cause. He explained to Yisrael that He temporarily sent them away because of sin.
Isaiah 51. 1-3 The Jewish Remnant's origin in the covenant. Here Hashem is speaking to those who pursue righteousness and seek Hashem. The believing Jewish remnant. Hashem is comforting the remnant, the faithful Jews.
Isaiah 52. 1-6 Jerusalem was to awake not only because her exile has almost ended, but also because she would be freshly adorned with new clothes, that is, she would be rebuilt. Jerusalem pagan conquerors- the uncircumcised and defiled would never again invade and pollute the holy city. Jerusalem will be freed from her chains, never again to be enslaved. She had been sold because of her sins (Isa 50.1) but now she would be redeemed. The Jews had been slaves in Egypt and Assyria had conquered the Northern Kingdom and also exacter tribute from Judah (52.4). Now another power, Bavel- Babylon would take away Judah and mock them and blaspheme Hashem. Hashem is returning to Zion. 52.7-8. The Prophet exulted the news to be proclaimed when the time of blessings (spoken of in 51: 17- 52.6) will begin. Though Yisroel, the Jewish People experienced great joy at the return from Babylon in 536 BCE the joy Isaiah was talking about and wrote about in 52: 7- 8 will be when Yisroel return as one people in Yisroel in Ha'Olam Ha'Bah. As in the Exodus out of Egypt and the Exodus away from Bavel, so in Yisroel's future return, the remnant is exhorted to get away from Idolatry, Paganism, Idol worship- which in the present sense would be the opposite of relaying to Jesus, since Jesus constitutes: Idol worship. In this case it is the Idol worship of the Babylonian gods.
Isa 52.- The servant is Yisrael, the Jewish People!!! It says it right there in the text: AWAKE, AWAKE: PUT ON YOUR STRENGTH, O TZION: PUT ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL GARMENTS, O JERUSALEM, THE HOLY CITY-Ir Kodesh; FOR NOW THERE SHALL NO MORE COME UNTO YOU Ha'Arel -THE UNCIRCUMCISED(PAGAN GOYS) AND Ha'Tameh-THE UNCLEAN(PAGAN GOYS). Thus to be uncircumcised relates to the Pagans, the Christians, those who placed the Jew in captivity, Gola, Golus, Galut!!!!
Isaiah 53.3 The nation of Yisrael is despised and rejected, how do we know this because the prior verses explained our captivity in Bavel and Assyria driving the Northern Tribes into captivity, has nothing to do with Yashke!!! WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT, what is the report? The G-d of Yisrael! AND WHOM HAS THE ARM, STRENGTH, POWER OF HASHEM BEEN REVEALED TO: YISRAEL!
The nations did not esteem or entreat the Jewish People, they were repulsed by us, thus explaining verse 2. 53.4. Surely there isn't a servant without someone over the servant, thus the one over the servant, who is Yisrael is Hashem! Thus it states: SURELY HE(HASHEM) HAS BORNE OUR GRIEFS, AND CARRIED OUR SORROWS( WHAT SORROWS? CAPTIVITY, ENSLAVEMENT, EXILE, GOLA,GOLAS, GALUT! There is no other people who has been pierced, inflicted, wounded due to our own transgressions in leaving the G-d of Yisrael and following Idolatry and Paganism.
Isa 53. 12. Yisrael was numbered among the transgressors, because we were captive; and He(Yisrael) bore(carried) the sins of many (Jews), and made intercession(Prayed for those who enslaved us) for the transgression.
When the Christians propagate those verses to apply to Yashke why do they stop at chapter 53? Why don't they continue?
Isaiah 54. 1. SING, O BARREN (YISRaEL CAPTIVE), you who did not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, you who did not travail with child; for no more and the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saysHashem. 2. ENLARGE THE PLACE OF YOUR TENTS(Sukkah). Verse 4. FEAR NOT; FOR YOU SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED(YISROEL, ANYMORE), NEITHER SHALL YOU BE COUFOUNDED; FOR YOU SHALL NO LONGER BE PUT TO SHAME' FOR YOU SHALL FORGET THE SHAME OF YOUR YOUTH (ENSLAVEMENT), AND SHALL NOT REMEMBER THE REPROACH OF YOUR WIDOWHOOD ANYMORE. Verse 5. For your Maker (Creator, Hashem) is your Husband; Hashem of hosts is his name( not talking about Yashke). Verse 8. For a small moment have I forsaken you, but with great mercies will I gather, restore you- who? The Jewish People. Verse 9. For THIS IS LIKE THE WATERS OF NOAH UNTO ME; FOR AS I HAVE SWORN THAT THE WATERS OF NOAH SHOULD NO MORE GO OVER THE EARTH, SO HAVE I SWORN THAT I WOULD NOT BE ANGRY WITH YOU( You who? The Jewish People). Verse 17. NO WEAPON THAT IS FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER (And you thought the NT- TT(Trick Testament) came up with that) No more enslavement of the Jewish People!
Isaiah chapter 1. verse 14. Who keeps Rosh Chodesh (New Moon, Luach dated times) and Moedim(Biblical Jewish Festivals)?
Isaiah 1. 24. It says, Hashem the Mighty one(Elohim) of Yisrael.
From Isaiah 1 throughout the whole book it is talking about the G-d of the Jews, Zion, and Hashem. I need not point you to each and every place which one could read for themselves.
Christians also forget to mention chapter 58 which states: CRY ALOUD, SPARE NOT, LIFT UP YOUR VOICE LIKE A SHOFAR, AND SHOW MY PEOPLE (Who is these people that Hashem calls “My People,” Yisrael, the Jew), show them their transgressions, and
In conclusion to Isaiah, one would have to painstakingly create illusions, tricks, puppetry to get those verses to fit Yashke. Yisrael has been called “The Servant- Ha'Eved” on numerous occasions for the sake of clarity, we are called Ha'Eved in Gen 9.25/ Job 3.19/ Ps 116.16' 119.125; 143.12.
The Puff The Magic Yashke People ascribe Isaiah chapter 6,7 where an announcement of the birth of the child Immanual (Immanu EL), which in ch. 9 is more predicted. Isaiah 7. 14- which they state can only be Jesus since the verse states in the English:
That Hashem Himself shall give a sign; Behold a virginshall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanual. In the TT there is no where, no location other than that verse where they quote this verse in Matthew 1.23, there is no other listing in there TT where they gave that term Immanuel to Yashke. So then who is the Immanual in Isaiah since we know it isn't Yashke?
The English lied to you, Immanual is a synonym, Hebrew idiom, not a person, but a definition. In the Hebrew that same verse it states:
Therefore Hashem Himself shall give you an Ot (sign); Hinei, Ha'Almah (The young women, Jewish women)shall conceive (A promise of the Jewish women being plenteous in returning to Yisrael, a sign of Jewish prosperity in the birth of sons), and bear Ben (son), and shall call Ha'Shmo Immanu El (G-d is with us, the Jewish People)!
Thus “Almah” does not mean virgin, it relates that the Jewish women will give birth when they return to Yisrael to Jewish sons! A praising anthem to the end of enslavement. So Immanuel (G-d is with us, or G-d will be with us) means just that: That G-d is with the Jewish People thus the names, or the sign on theJewish boys being born in the land is that G-d, Hashem is with us, and not a person as Yashke People try indicating! Perhaps I am incorrect but does it not state in chapter 7. 15, 16, 17 that these Jewish boys shall eat butter and honey and refuse evil, further evidence of being prosperous! Verse 17. Hashem shall bring upon you and upon the Jewish People, and upon your father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah, even the King of Assyria! That proves that I am correct.
Isaiah chapter 9. 6. I assure you this isn't Yashke either, you see with plain simple examination of Tora, that you can prove all the theories of the Yashke People as completely idiotic!
Whose the child? Yisrael- verse 8, 9, 10 proves it. Verse 8. Hashem sent a word into Ya'akov, and it had light upon Yisrael.
Chapter 1. A time will come when gloom and darkness (8. 22) for the Jewish People will be a thing of the past. The gloom on the Northern Tribe of Yisrael came because of discipline. Hashem humbled Zebulun and Naphtali for a while.
Though Isaiah was using these two tribal names to represent the Northern Kingdom, it is striking that in 722 BCE this northern portion of Yisrael became an Assyrian province under Tiglath-Pileser 3, thus humbling the Jewish People there and putting them in gloom. The Northern part of Yisrael, the people were in darkness and in the shadow of death. Then they saw or recognized the light of Hashem in there problem. 9:3-5 It refers to Hashem who will lead the Jewish People from darkness into the light of Hashem by sending Jewish sons as prior mentioned in the verses already indicated, a sign of prosperity for the Jewish People in return to our land Yisroel.
It states in verse 6. For unto us (Jews) a Yeled (Jewish child), unto us Ben (son) is given; and Ha'Misrah (The dominion) shall be upon his shoulder; and Shmo (Hashem) shall be called Peleh (wonderful), El Gibbor (Mighty G-d-Hashem),Avi AD(Everlasting Father- this is to Hashem not Yashke), Sar Shalom (Prince of Peace-Hashem). Of the increase of his Misrah (Whose government?Hashem's, and where is it, in Yisrael, returning the captives back “Aliyah” to Yisrael) and “Shalom” there shall be no Ketz (end), upon HA'KISSE DOVID(The Kingdom of Dovid), and upon His Kingdom, to strengthen it, and to support it with Mishpat (righteous judgments, Tora) and with Tzedakah(charity, acts of kindness) from henceforth even Ad Olam (Forever). Ha'Kinat Hashem Tzva'os ( THE ZEAL OF HASHEM OF HOSTS, not Yashke) will fulfill this!
The Jewish son is not Yashke!!! The Jewish Child, or son is Israel again being brought back into the land, with the establishing of the Kingdom of Dovid and the Jewish People returning from Gola. The verse states that the government is on the shoulder of the Jewish son in meaning that the establishment of the return of the exiles is on the shoulders of the Jewish People or for the Jewish People. This son represents all of us Jews who will return and be born in the land of Yisrael. And yes that will accompany a real and true Mashiach in the end of days. However that isn't Yashke!!!! Because during the life of Yashke (1.) No kingdom of Dovid returned, (2.) ALL Jews haven't returned back to the land of Yisrael, (3.) We Jews are not removed as of yet, from Antisemitism, Gola- Golut- Golas. We are still in the land of our captors and the Tribes have not returned. (4.) Neither has Dovid returned!
To place Yashke in any of those verses is to say that all of these things have already occurred and that's even more idiotic! Since all of our Jewish People have not returned to the land of Yisrael, we are STILL SCATTERED ACROSS THE WORLD, WE STILL FACE ANTI SEMITISM, THERE ISN'T A THIRD TEMPLE BUILT, AND ELIYAHU HASN'T ANNOUNCED ANYTHING TO ANYONE, AND MOSHE, AHARON HAVEN'T RETURNED. You would have to be completely demented, delusional, deranged to grant this to Yashke. The fact that a man ran into the JCC in Kansas, a member of the KKK with the purpose of killing Jews further proves we have not entered into this time of peace just yet.
Mashiach is coming, but He hasn't come yet! The only thing Yashke fulfilled which we can substantiate if we want to say the man existed at all, is that He is dead. Though He was a mythical illusion someone likely not to have ever existed to begin with. Yashke hasn't fulfilled Isaiah 53 or any other part of Tora. It is a lack of understanding of the text itself that has caused our people “Jews” that are lost to be compelled by such rhetoric, verbiage.
Irregardless of all the facts, even if I dissected every verse directly from the Hebrew and recorded what each word means, there are some of these Messianic Christians, born Jews- Apokores that will still dismiss the insurmountable facts as the proof and evidence of Yashke not being Mashiach is irrefutable! They will still believe that that dead man is Mashiach! Our mission is to the lost Jew, not to Goyim, except that Goy seeks to follow “The G-d of Yisrael,” to leave Christianity, and become a Noahide or convert to Judaism.
Out of all the garrulous nasty, libellous emails that I receive, being told that I am going to Hell, that I have no salvation, and all the other crap these Messianic Christians say, no one ever, ever proves that I am wrong or that the content is incorrect. I'll receive imperious stupefied impudence, based solely on emotionality! But I never receive any willing to try proving their beliefs by History, Scripture, Geology, Archeology, Science, Tora! Because all such evidence points in the opposite direction. You can't rewrite History and call it Jewish!
You can't become blindfolded, spun around seven times and point your finger on any given Scripture and say this one is about Yashke, take the blindfold off and spread ludicrous loquacious hypocrisy! Such ignoramuses will cause some people to study for themselves and discover the truth, the history, the facts, the records and to leave the puppetry for proof! To return or to come to “The G-d of Yisrael.” Jews and Gentiles.